WHAT'S NEW.... October 2015

Two announcements and pictures added to "Weddings"

Article and Obituaries added to "Newspaper Articles, Birthdays and Obituaries"

Picture added to "Norton / Maitland Cousins"

Two pictures added to "Reunions"

Story, map and pictures added to "Norton Family Farm"

Birth Certificate added for Robert Haas to Newspaper Articles, Birthdays and Obituaries.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Wellsville High School

Link:  Remembering the Early 1940's at Wellsville High School

"Nancy Norton from Colorado was recently going through the belongings of her parents, Jean and Fred Norton, who were both graduates of Wellsville High School back in 1941 and 1945.  She found a lot of memorabilia they had saved from high school including pictures, old tickets, report cards and much more.  We have compiled much of the Norton's memorabilia on our web site for others to enjoy and to learn from the past".

"We thank the Norton children for sharing these pictures from the past with all of us".

Thank you!

Fred Norton high school graduation

Jean Haas Norton high school graduation

1943 Members of Wellsville High School Grid Squad
Phil Norton is third row, third from the left. 
B. Norton is third row, fourth from the right. Is that Bruce?

Left to Right: Gene Burdick, Robert Haas, Fred Horn, and John Graves. 
This was the Wellsville High School 4 x 100 track relay team in 1951 when they broke the school record for that race. 

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