WHAT'S NEW.... October 2015

Two announcements and pictures added to "Weddings"

Article and Obituaries added to "Newspaper Articles, Birthdays and Obituaries"

Picture added to "Norton / Maitland Cousins"

Two pictures added to "Reunions"

Story, map and pictures added to "Norton Family Farm"

Birth Certificate added for Robert Haas to Newspaper Articles, Birthdays and Obituaries.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Norton / Maitland Cousins

Gail, Joanne, Sally, and John Maitland

Ann Maitland holding Joanne and Sally

Left to right: Don, Gail, Kristy, Terry, Sally holding Paul, Linda,
Nancy holding Tom, Joanne, Patty, and Sally

Left to right: Kristy, Patty, Gail, Terry, Sally holding Paul, Linda, 
Joanne, and Don in front row

Joanne Maitland (6 weeks old) and Grandpa Norton

The slide is titled "Cousins Wellsville June 1952"
Joanne, Sally, Don, and Linda

Top row - left to right: Kristy, a Gonter, Don, Nancy, Terry
Bottom row - left to right: Gail, Joanne, Sally, and a Goner

Left to right: Ann Maitland holding Joanne and Sally
Jean Norton holding Don Norton

Top row: (left to right) - FWN Sr., Phil, and Bruce
Bottom row: (left to right) - Jody, Jean, and Arlene
*NEW* Maitland / Norton Family Reunion 2015
From left to right: Amy (Norton)  Lancaster, Paul Norton, Angie Maitland, John Maitland
Gail (Maitland) Brown, Terry (Norton) Vittore, and Nancy Norton

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