WHAT'S NEW.... October 2015

Two announcements and pictures added to "Weddings"

Article and Obituaries added to "Newspaper Articles, Birthdays and Obituaries"

Picture added to "Norton / Maitland Cousins"

Two pictures added to "Reunions"

Story, map and pictures added to "Norton Family Farm"

Birth Certificate added for Robert Haas to Newspaper Articles, Birthdays and Obituaries.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Norton / Schrader Uncles and Aunts

Aunt Edith and Uncle Elmer

Uncle Elmer

Uncle Henry and Aunt Etty

Uncle Martin 1918

Uncle Max Norton

Uncle Paul Norton

*NEW* Jennie and Martin Schrader
Brother of Edith Schrader Norton

*NEW* Edith and Elmer Schrader
Brother of Edith Schrader Norton

*NEW* Frank Schrader Family
Brother of August Schrader (Father of Edith Schrader Norton)

*NEW* John, Henrietta (Grandma), Marie, and Ella Heineman

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