WHAT'S NEW.... October 2015

Two announcements and pictures added to "Weddings"

Article and Obituaries added to "Newspaper Articles, Birthdays and Obituaries"

Picture added to "Norton / Maitland Cousins"

Two pictures added to "Reunions"

Story, map and pictures added to "Norton Family Farm"

Birth Certificate added for Robert Haas to Newspaper Articles, Birthdays and Obituaries.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

My Mother's Cousin, Howard English

Recently Howard English sent me some pictures of my mother's family.  Thank you Howard!  He also sent my grandparents' (Harry and Marion Haas) wedding license.  It is posted under weddings.

 Left to right: Jean Haas, Norine Kenny, and Barbara Dye

Left to right: Jean Haas, Norine and Howard English, Marion and Harry Haas, Marcella and Mason Dye, and Barbara Dye. Middle: Patrick Kenny and Karen English.
Bottom: Bob Haas, Howard English, Jini Lee Dye, and Jim Haas. 1947

 Fred Norton, Howard English, Mason Dye, Harry Haas, and Patrick Kenny

Back row: Bob Haas, Barbara Dye, Jean Haas, and Jim Haas.
Front row: Howard English, Patrick Kenny with Karen English, and Jini Lee Dye

Family picnic - 1946
Back Row: Evelyn Bishop (neighbor), Norine and Howard English, Harry Haas, and Patrick Kenny
Front Row: Back of Bob Haas, Marion Haas, Jim Haas, and Howard English

Three Sisters: Norine (Kenny) English, Marion (Kenny) Haas, and Marcella (Kenny) Dye
With Father Patrick Kenny

 Howard and Norine English, Mason and Marcella Dye, Fred and Jean Norton,
Marion and Harry Haas

 Back row: Patrick Kenny and Harry Haas
Front row: Mason Dye and Howard English

 Harry , Jean , and Marion Haas at Letchworth Park 1936

 Letchworth Park 1936

Patrick and Maggie Kenny on right side, unknown on left side, and Norine in front.