Thank you for your service.
Fred, Don, Bruce, and Phil
Memorial Day 1941, Wellsville, New York
Bruce Norton
Bruce Norton
Fred Norton
Fred and Bruce Norton - Summer 1946
Phil Norton
Phil Norton
John Maitland 1943
John Maitland
Don Norton (on the right)
Dad always said this was the last thing he saw before he went overseas.
Left to Right: Robert Haas and Rudy Reinprecht.
This was taken in 1954 right after docking in England.
Both men from Wellsville went over on the same ship but didn't meet until two days at sea.
Dad went to Washington, D. C. for the dedication of the World War II memorial.
In June 2008 Dad went to Loveland, CO to see the Navy D-Day statue
before it was sent over to Utah Beach in France.
before it was sent over to Utah Beach in France.
The sculptor, Stephen Spears asked Dad to sign on the inside of the base.
Dad kept a diary throughout the war years. This is his entry for D-Day.